Reaction to a 2013 Blog Article

The article (Gusto ko na Umuli!) was about my yearning to go back to Sorsogon due to stress at work and missing the slow provincial life.

Now that I have been in town for more than a year, I reflected on what I missed 8 years ago as mentioned in the article and how it turned out to be:

  • Tolonggapo Beach – I had a chance to swim on the said beach twice or thrice last year. This was right before the first lockdown and after ECQ. But this year, I wasn’t even looking forward to it. I was able to go to Halabang Baybay the first time though – but only to check it out. I was just doing my morning bike ride and decided to drop by. Definitely, walking along the beach is out of the question.
Tolonggapo Beach, Brgy. Caricaran, Jun’21.
  • Rompeolas – After the lockdown and started doing solo ride, I would drop by Boardroom or Splendido to get a quick dinner. But we don’t go out walking around. My wife and I would just drive to the parking lot and eat our food while appreciating the view of, either, Mt. Bulusan or Brgy. Sirangan. In the last 2 months I try to avoid this place due to increase infections in the city.
Sa manga adlaw na dili nag uuran sa siyudad. Dili lamang makakasawa an pagkita sa Mt. Bulusan maski sa harayu.
  • Pam’s Restaurant – due to pandemic, I could only buy their siopao being sold outside the resto. I do miss their lomi.
  • Taking the tricycles – yes, when after walking to the city center and decide to simply not to walk back. But taking it as a main means of transportation is out of the question – kamahal san pamasahe!
  • Visiting relatives – rarely, perhaps after the pandemic whenever that is.
  • Beautiful scenary – yes, I still get to enjoy this in my place and my wife’s. I get to enjoy it the most when I hit the nearby trails.
The view while losing your breath pedaling to the top of Sitio Bagong Sirang, Brgy. Pangpang
A priceless view – sunset at Rompeolas.

Definitely this is not the circumstances that I was thinking of coming back. Nonetheless, I am not complaining and thankful that my family is safe and well.

Stay safe!

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