Philpost Then and Now

I mentioned here in the blog, that there was a time I was collecting stamps. Mostly during my late high school and college years. At first, I didn’t know that the post office sells collectible stamps. And when I did, I would buy from time to time to include in my collections. This was when the postal office was located in the corner of De Vera and Rizal Streets.

In the 80s and 90s, Philpost has its own building office at the corner of De Vera and Rizal Streets.

So it was normal for me to look for the local post office. I also want to send postal mail to my youngest so that she’s not ignorant of the old days and appreciate hand writing.

I really thought the post office was still located near Flores Street, just in front of the former BSP office. Apparently, it’s now located along the strip of government offices inside the DILG building. The building itself looks run down and the post office is located in the ground floor.

DILG building now hosts to the local post office in the ground floor. November 2010

There’s a poster regarding philately but upon checking with the postal worker, it’s been a year since they received stamps from the central office. Most likely because the head office was burned to the ground.

But I was happy to see a customer paying for her package.

From having its own building, Philpost now is relegated to a shared building in the remote part of the Capitol compound. 03192024.
A postal customer paying for her package. March 19, 2024
If you are a philatelist, you can buy collectors stamps… Only if available..
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